Joost Meerwijk, CFA CIPM, senior specialist at Ortec Finance’s Investment Performance solution, is one of the speakers at CIBR Conferences’ 9th annual iPARM 2021.

The two-day event is about investment performance measurement, attribution & risk management. Held on November 18 & 19, the event hosts a wide range of expert speakers. Joost Meerwijk will address the following topics during his Identifying challenges for performance evaluation on private assets session:

  • Measuring performance of private assets in isolation
  • Benchmarking private assets
  • How to quantify ex-post alpha?
  • Data considerations for private assets
  • Mixing private and public assets in a fund-level strategic asset mix.

Speakers, program details and registration info can be found here.

If you are interested in learning more about performance evaluation of your private asset investments, please contact Joost.

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