As part of our ClimateMAPS – climate scenario analysis solution, financial institutions have the option to customize and incorporate their views and assumptions to assess and quantify the potential financial and economic implications arising from climate change-related physical and transition risks.

Client-specific bespoke scenarios are developed with our proprietary in-house climate scenario modeling framework, in exclusive partnership with Cambridge Econometrics, providing access to the globally recognized E3ME macroeconomic model and our unique physical risk coverage. They are utilized alongside our in-house Ortec Finance Climate Scenarios, either as an additional or substitute scenario.
Developing a bespoke climate scenario
Our team of climate and sustainable finance specialists will work with you to:
Understand your organization’s overall climate risk analysis objectives and provide guidance on how to investigate specific climate risks
Incorporate specific views and assumptions across a range of climate transition, physical and market risk drivers
Translate this narrative into a plausible climate scenario, and quantify its impacts across 600+ economic and financial variables
Further insights
- Unlocking the true value of climate scenarios – Discover the differences between the various types of narrative-based climate scenarios; publicly available, alternative and bespoke.
- Constructing a plausible climate scenario - Learn about the three principles to enhance the plausibility of a deterministic narrative-based climate scenario
- The fundamentals of climate scenario analysis for investors - Find out how climate scenario analysis can specifically help investors understand climate change's impact on investments.