May 27 Maurits van Joolingen presented Ortec Finance’s approach to a holistic investment decision process.
At this 4th annual asset allocation and performance measurement event by IBRC, that attracted many investment strategists and experts, he as well explained the advantages of this approach.
The Ortec Finance approach entails a strong link between the design and decisions of your investment strategy as well as the monitoring and attribution of these same decisions. In essence it comes down to supporting the decision process with (software backed-up) models that help investors better prepare for unknown events, compare different strategies and assess the value of top-down investment decisions.
His presentation addressed the following:
- How to best translate your strategic objectives into strategic asset allocation
- How to deal with long term objectives and short term constraints
- How conscious rebalancing helps your risk management
- Evaluating your investment decision-making process; how to grasp the added value of strategic and tactical decisions.
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