Discover the similarities and differences between our ALM software GLASS, the one-stop shop solution for Asset Liability Management and Strategic Risk Management, and GLASS FLOW, our liability-driven investment decision-making and Strategic Risk Management solution.

Download GLASS vs GLASS FLOW comparison brochure


  • One-stop shop solution for Asset Liability Management and Strategic Risk Management
  • Robust and highly flexible, GLASS serves the needs of pension funds and endowments to improve financial investment decision-making


  • Liability-driven investment decision-making and Strategic Risk Management solution
  • Based on the GLASS platform, GLASS FLOW features a next-generation user interface and a guided workflow to enhance ease-of-use and efficiency


Asset Allocation & Investment Strategy

Risk Management



Use cases

SAA construction

Strategic risk monitoring






Climate risk analysis



Asset Liability Management (ALM)




Actuarial analysis



  • Ability to construct or optimize strategic investment policies; asset only or liability-driven

  • Assess the impact of the current financial markets and most up-to-date economic scenarios on a fund’s outlook
  • Assess the impact of the current asset allocation compared to the strategic asset allocation
  • Flexibility to configure by users

  • Quantify the plan’s exposure to systemic climate-related financial risks and opportunities across different climate scenarios
  • Flexibility to configure by user

  • Evaluate the plan’s outlook from a holistic perspective and adjust or design funding policies such as investment strategies, contribution policies, conditional cost of living adjustments, and discount rates.

  • Analyze the sensitivity to actuarial assumptions, pension scheme changes, and demographics



  • Ability to construct or optimize strategic investment policies; asset only or liability-driven

  • Assess the impact of the current financial markets and most up-to-date economic scenarios on a fund’s outlook
  • Assess the impact of the current asset allocation compared to the strategic asset allocation
  • Preconfigured

  • Quantify the plan’s exposure to systemic climate-related financial risks and opportunities across different climate scenarios
  • Preconfigured

  • Evaluate the plan’s outlook from a holistic perspective and adjust or design investment strategies.


Full balance sheet modeling

Dynamic scenario generator




Investment strategies & optimization



Climate risk

What-if scenario analysis

Risk factor exposure

Strategic risk monitoring


API access


  • Full access to assets, liabilities, funding policies and regulations
  • Multi balance sheet and valuation support
  • Initial implementation by Ortec Finance
  • Maintained by users

  • Users have access to Ortec Finance Scenarioset (OFS) with annual, quarterly, or monthly updates
  • Adjust factor dynamics
  • Ability to incorporate own capital market assumptions
  • Ability to build custom economic/financial scenarios
  • Ability to run several scenario sets simultaneously

  • Access to more than 600 asset classes (public and private) and macro-economics
  • Ability to design strategic investment policies
  • Markowitz and Mean/VaR optimization of surplus, funded ratio return, or portfolio return
  • Access to proprietary Near-Optimal robust optimization
  • Access to derivatives modeling and strategies (swaps, inflation swaps)
  • Model dynamic investment strategies

  • Access to Climate MAPS
  • Flexibility to configure climate analysis

  • Flexibility to configure by users

  • Both asset-only and funded-ratio perspective
  • Flexibility to configure by users

  • Flexibility to configure by users
  • Access to broader spectrum of metrics and analyses

  • Ability to connect GLASS to internal or third-party tooling (data warehouse, data visualization, and automation scripts)


  • Users have access to assets
  • Multi balance sheet and valuation support
  • Initial implementation by Ortec Finance
  • Maintained by Ortec Finance

  • Users have access to Ortec Finance Scenarioset (OFS) with annual, quarterly, or monthly updates
  • Ability to incorporate own capital market assumptions

  • Access more than 250 asset classes (public and private) and macro-economics
  • Ability to design strategic investment policies
  • Markowitz and Mean/VaR optimization of surplus, funded ratio return, or portfolio return

  • Access to Climate MAPS
  • Climate analysis is preconfigured

  • Preconfigured

  • Both asset-only and funded-ratio perspective
  • Preconfigured

  • Preconfigured

Make your investment decisions with confidence

By consistently managing your assets and liabilities on a single platform.

Download GLASS vs GLASS FLOW comparison brochure

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