Investment decisions can get very complex
Our performance attribution tool PEARL helps asset managers and pension funds to master this complexity.
PEARL is Ortec Finance’s leading SaaS solution for Performance Measurement, Attribution, Ex-Post Risk and GIPS composites.
PEARL is also the backbone of our fully outsourced Investment Performance Service (IPS). Clients include Union Investment, MN, Railpen, QSuper and more.
Watch PEARL in action and download the brochure.
Why PEARL? (Performance attribution tool)
- Superior Analytics: Easily build fund hierarchies to analyze even the most complex investment and overlay strategies;
- Advanced Data Management Tooling: Efficiently manage high volumes of data, using PEARL’s advanced data quality controls;
- Extensive Reporting Suite: The Web Portal offers online self-service reporting, for providing quick and easy insight into the performance of your funds to various stakeholders.
PEARL for Asset Owners
Investment decisions are continuously reviewed to quantify how much value they add.
Ranging from strategic asset allocation to sector bets in global equity portfolios, our Performance Measurement and Attribution solution for pension funds, insurers, and sovereign wealth funds capture all asset classes and strategies by many of attribution models.
This helps you explain sources of excess return as well as the impact of investments on funding ratio or solvency levels.
PEARL for Asset Managers
PEARL supports asset managers that want to grow their AuM in a cost-efficient manner.
Demonstrate the added value of your investment strategies with a wide range of attribution models. Due to our expertise in the institutional space, we understand the demands from your clients.
Automated and integrated workflows support & optimize your daily processes.

Elske van de Burgt
Managing Director Investment Performance
Oliver Henriquez
Sales Director, EMEA