In this 23 minute video Russ Bowdrey and Ronald Janssen present an overview of climate risk & alignment modeling and two use cases: one use case for institutional clients and one for retail clients.

Russ explains how to address emerging regulatory requirements, he introduces Ortec Finance’s methodology to integrate climate risks into financial scenarios, and he presents a brief introduction to Enabling Portfolio Paris Alignment.

Ronald gives a practical translation to the private investor market via two examples of investment decision support: the first example includes how economic scenarios and stress testing help improve climate change related investment decisions. The second explains how legislation on climate investments categorization and retail client’s portfolio communication & explanation can be addressed with smart modeling software.

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Contact Russ or Ronald if you are interested to learn how you can integrate climate into investment decision making. Or watch the video and download the presentation by filling in the form (1 form, 2 downloads).

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Ronald Janssen

Ronald Janssen

Managing Director Goal Based Planning
Ortec Finance
T: +31 10 700 56 97

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