Financial institutions around the world are taking increasing steps to assess their physical climate risks and prepare their investment portfolio for the impacts arising from future extreme weather events.
For banks, pension funds, insurance companies, asset managers and sovereign wealth funds, this requires an understanding of how climate change will increase their physical risk exposure and how this will vary depending on the frequency of extreme weather events, their location, direct economic losses and an individual country’s capacity to cope with recovery.
ClimatePREDICT enables financial institutions to quantify this exposure with forward-looking estimations on extreme weather frequencies, expected losses year-by-year and economic growth impacts for over 150 countries and 1860 cities.
It utilizes robust data sources and a science-based and objective methodology to generate quantified financial insights across a number of hypothetical but plausible future climate pathways.
ClimatePREDICT is a key underlying tool of our climate scenario analysis solution – ClimateMAPS to assess acute physical risks impacts under Ortec Finance Climate Scenarios.
To help the global investment community integrate climate change further into their investment decision-making, our Climate & ESG Solutions team is continuing to innovate ClimatePREDICT.
If you would like to receive more information about ClimatePREDICT or have any questions, please contact us.